Monitoring and Analysis of Population Dynamics of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise in Poyang Lake
投稿时间:2022-07-14  修订日期:2024-07-01
DOI:10.15928/j.1674-3075. 202207140271
中文关键词:长江江豚  同步监测  种群动态  鄱阳湖
英文关键词:Yangtze finless porpoise  simultaneous monitoring  population dynamics  Poyang Lake
王伟萍 江西省水生生物保护救助中心江西 南昌 330046 
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吴 斌 南京师范大学生命科学学院江苏 南京 210023 江西省水产科学研究所江西 南昌 330039
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      为助力鄱阳湖长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)保护方案制定,及时准确掌握其种群动态,2019年11月至2021年11月开展了4次同步监测,采用Distance 7.4 软件估算了其种群数量和密度。结果表明,总有效航程为1 846 km,在429个位点累计观测到长江江豚1 001头(次),母子豚130对(次)。2019年11月在123个位点观测到225头个体;2021年11月在139个位点观测378头个体;2年间鄱阳湖长江江豚观测个体数量增长了68.0%,观测位点数量增长了13.0%,估算种群密度增长49.2%。在集群规模方面,以1~2头个体组成的群体频次最高,占60.4%~90.2%,年际间差别较大,占比逐年下降;5头及以上群体占比4.9%~12.2%,占比逐年上升,均与水位关系不明显。长江江豚平均遇见率为0.418~0.804头/km,不同水位差别较大,低水位遇见率高;2021年11月长江江豚以及母子豚的遇见率和幼豚占比均最高,说明江豚种群数量、幼体和可育雌性群体在种群中占比均呈现稳中有增趋势,表明鄱阳湖长江江豚种群可能已经实现了正增长。
      The population and population dynamics of the Yangtze finless porpoise provides basic and important baseline data for understanding the condition of the species and to formulate scientific, effective measures for protecting the species and managing their habitat. In this study, the Yangtze finless porpoise population was monitored four times in Poyang Lake from November 2019 to November 2021, and the population and population density were estimated using Distance 7.4 software. Our aim was fully understand the population dynamics of the Yangtze finless porpoise in Poyang Lake to support the development of a conservation plan. On November 16 of 2019, October 29 of 2020, April 13 and November 29 of 2021, monitoring of the Yangtze finless porpoise was carried out in the Jiangxi section of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake. The location, time and swimming direction of each observed Yangtze finless porpoise were recorded, as well as the number of porpoises in the group and pairs of mother and child porpoises. Results show that the total voyage was 1 846 kilometers, and the Yangtze finless porpoise was observed at of a total 429 sites, with a total of 1 001 Yangtze finless porpoises and 130 pairs of mother and child porpoises. In November 2021, 378 individuals were observed at 139 sites, while only 225 individuals were observed at 123 sites in November 2019. Over the two years from 2019 to 2021, the number of Yangtze finless porpoises observed in Poyang Lake increased by 68.0%, the number of observed sites increased by 13.0%, and the estimated population density increased by 49.2%. In terms of cluster size, groups consisting of 1-2 individuals were most frequent (60.4%-90.2%), and the difference between years was large and the proportion decreased each year. The proportion of groups with 5 or more individuals (4.9%-12.2%) increased each year. Neither trend appeared to be related to water level. The average encounter rate of Yangtze finless porpoises in Poyang Lake was 0.418-0.804 individuals/km, with a much higher encounter rate at low water levels. The population size of the Yangtze finless porpoise and the proportion of mother and child porpoises in the population showed a steadily increasing trend during the investigation, indicating that the population of the Yangtze finless porpoise in Poyang Lake has achieved positive growth.
王伟萍,徐志文,龚磊强,曾南京,熊海兵,林发荣,徐 翔,黄 江,张琬苏,吴 斌.2024.鄱阳湖长江江豚同步监测及种群动态分析[J].水生态学杂志,45(4):134-140.
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