Monitoring and Assessment of Angu Vertical Slot Fishway Performance in the Dadu River
投稿时间:2022-11-03  修订日期:2024-09-05
中文关键词:竖缝式鱼道  集鱼效果  过鱼效果  安谷水电站
英文关键词:vertical slot fishway  entrance attraction  fish passage rate  Angu Hydropower Station
蔡跃平 乐山中电建生态环保科技有限公司四川 乐山 614000 
姜 昊 乐山中电建生态环保科技有限公司四川 乐山 614000水电水利规划设计总院北京 100120 
黄 晋 中国水电建设集团圣达水电有限公司四川 成都 610000 
葛 静 中电建水电开发集团有限公司四川 成都 610000 
刘 卫 华能西藏雅鲁藏布江水电开发投资有限公司加查水电厂西藏 山南 856000 
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      通过改进现有竖缝式鱼道,可为安谷鱼道设计优化、功能完善及运行管理提供参考依据。2020年6?9月采用陷阱法、张网法和水声学等方法对安谷竖缝式鱼道过鱼效果进行监测,以评估鱼道出口高程改进后的过鱼效果、保护大渡河鱼类资源。结果显示:(1)鱼道下游河段分布鱼类34种,包括过鱼种类蛇鮈、唇?、泉水鱼、瓦氏黄颡鱼、鲇5种和优势种光泽黄颡鱼、蛇鮈、唇?、凹尾拟鲿、鲫5种;月均单位捕捞努力量(CPUE)为13.39 g/(net·h);(2)有24种鱼类进入鱼道进口,占鱼道下游种类数的70.59%;鱼道进口时均净上行数量为0.44 尾/h,呈递减趋势;相较于白昼,鱼类更喜欢夜晚通过鱼道进口断面;(3)有19种183尾鱼通过鱼道,占鱼道进口鱼类种类数的79.17%;其中包含目标种类6种114尾,占过鱼总数的62.30%;鱼道出口时均过鱼数量为0.11尾/h,呈现先减小后增加的趋势,鱼道过鱼效率为25%;(4) 监测期间,鱼道流量在(0.11±0.03) m3/s和竖缝流速在0.50~0.58 m/s有利于鱼类通过鱼道。研究表明,安谷竖缝式鱼道有效可用,具有一定的集鱼和过鱼功能;相较于改进前,鱼道集鱼和过鱼效果明显提升。
      Monitoring and assessment of fishway performance provides a reference for design optimization, function improvement and operation management. In this study, we evaluated the performance of the Angu vertical slot fishway after modifying the exit elevation, and assessed fishway effectiveness and passage rate by monitoring fish in the lower reach, entrance and exit of the fishway from June to September of 2020. Fish monitoring was carried out by fish trapping, net-catching and acoustical methods. Target fish species, quantity, weekly and monthly variation of fish species, quantity passing the entrance and exit, and the diurnal and nocturnal activity rhythm of fish at the entrance were recorded. Results were as follows: (1) A total of 34 fish species, from 7 families and 3 orders were collected downstream of the fishway, including five target species (barbel steed, Chinese lizard gudgeon, P. prochilus, P. vachellii, Amur catfish) and five dominant species (barbel steed, Chinese lizard gudgeon, goldfish, T. nitidus, P. pratti). The average monthly catch per unit effort (CPUE) was 13.39 g/(net·h). (2) The number of fish species that entered the fishway was 24, 70.59% of the species collected downstream. The average quantity of fish entering the fishway was 0.44 tail/h and there was a decreasing trend from July to September. Additionally, the fish showed a preference for entering the fishway at night rather than the day. (3) The 183 tails passing through the fishway belonged to 19 species and accounted for 79.17% of the fish species entering the fishway, and included 6 target species (114 tails, 62.3%). The average number of fish exiting fishway was 0.11 per hour, initially lower and then increasing from July to September. The passage rate of the fish through the fishway was 25%. (4) During the monitoring period, we found that fish preferred to pass through the fishway when the flow rate was (0.11±0.03) m3/s and the velocity of the vertical slot was in the range of 0.50-0.58 m/s. In conclusion, the Angu vertical slot fishway was effective in attracting and passing fish. Furthermore, fishway performance improved significantly after modifying the exit elevation. Our results will provide a reference for optimization and operation of fishways and support the effort to protect fish resources in Dadu River.
蔡跃平,姜 昊,黄 晋,葛 静,刘 卫.2024.大渡河安谷竖缝式鱼道过鱼效果监测与评估研究[J].水生态学杂志,45(5):115-123.
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