Source Analysis of Sulfate in the Major Rivers of Heze City Based on Stable Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes
投稿时间:2022-11-02  修订日期:2022-12-30
中文关键词:河流  硫酸盐  水化学特征  硫氧同位素  贡献率  菏泽市
英文关键词:river  sulfate  hydrochemical characteristics  stable sulfur and oxygen isotopes  contribution rate  Heze City
董 莘 济南大学水利与环境学院山东 济南 250022
马 强 济南大学水利与环境学院山东 济南 250022
徐立荣 济南大学水利与环境学院山东 济南 250022
摘要点击次数: 142
全文下载次数: 19
      Soluble sulfate (SO42-) has large effects on river water quality and the regional hydrogeochemical cycle. The main rivers in Heze City all flow into Nansi Lake, an important water storage hub for the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Previous studies have suggested that the high SO42- concentration in Nansi Lake is primarily due to inflowing rivers. In this study, the main rivers in Heze City (Zhuzhaoxin River basin and Dongyu River basin) were selected for research, and we analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution, primary sources and their relative contribution to SO42- in the Zhuzhaoxin River basin and Dongyu River basin using stable sulfur and oxygen isotope analysis. Our aim was to provide data support for controlling the concentration of SO42- in regional rivers and ensuring the water quality of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. In October and December of 2020, and April and August of 2021, samples of surface and underground water, and river sewage outfalls were collected at 75 sampling sites for analysis of physicochemical parameters and the determination of δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 for source identification. Results show: (1) The concentration of SO42- in the surface water of the study area was relatively high, and most of the water samples exceeded the standard limit of SO42- for drinking water as defined in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (250 mg/L). The variation of δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 in the rivers generally followed the order, dry season > normal season > flood season, and the ranges of δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 in the Zhuzhaoxin River basin were larger with a more complex mix of sources. (2) During flood season, the primary sources of SO42- in study area were attributed to soil erosion and wastewater discharge, and both contributed over 30% of the total. (3) During the normal and dry seasons, the primary sources of SO42- in the Zhuzhaoxin River basin were wastewater discharges from domestic, industrial and mining enterprises, with an average combined contribution rate above 50%. The primary sources in Dongyu River basin was sulfide oxidation, with an average contribution rate of over 30%. The data from this investigation supports efforts to protect water quality in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.
董 莘,马 强,徐立荣.2024.基于硫氧同位素的菏泽市主要河流硫酸盐来源解析[J].水生态学杂志,45(5):151-158.
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