Calculation of Ecological Compensation in the Lijiang River Basin Based on Ecosystem Service Values
投稿时间:2022-07-03  修订日期:2022-08-24
中文关键词:生态补偿标准  生态系统服务价值(ESV)  生态足迹  漓江流域
英文关键词:ecological compensation standard  ecosystem service value  ecological footprint  Lijiang River basin
杨帅琦 桂林理工大学旅游与风景园林学院广西 桂林 541006 
王金叶 桂林理工大学旅游与风景园林学院广西 桂林 541006 南宁理工学院广西 南宁 541000 
李何英 桂林理工大学旅游与风景园林学院广西 桂林 541006 
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      评估漓江流域典型年份的生态系统服务价值,为流域内各区县提供合理的补偿次序,促进漓江流域生态系统的健康有效管理。以漓江流域为例,利用修订后的“生态系统服务价值系数表”计算2000、2010、2020年3个典型年份的生态系统服务价值,利用生态足迹模型分析生态供需及人地平衡状态,运用生态补偿优先级计算公式对研究区各区(县)做出补偿优先排序,最终核算出研究区生态补偿标准额度。结果表明:(1)研究区2000、2010、2020年的生态系统服务价值总额分别为386.89亿、386.57亿、388.01亿元,各阶段林地及水域用地贡献度均在90%以上。(2)2020年,研究区人均生态足迹、人均生态承载力和人均生态赤字分别为1.44、0.43和-1.06 hm2,生态供需呈不平衡态势。(3)2020年,研究区内兴安、灵川、阳朔三县为生态效益输出空间,应优先获得生态补偿,临桂区、桂林市中心区为生态效益消费空间,应优先支付生态补偿。(4)2020年,研究区生态补偿总额为26.5亿元,各区(县)的生态补偿金额差异较大,此外上下游地段的补偿紧迫性要高于中游地段。研究得到的生态补偿额度,可在一定程度上为漓江流域生态补偿政策的落实提供科学依据。
      Ecological compensation has become an important means of ensuring the health of regional ecosystems and for building an ecological civilization in China. The Lijiang River basin, located in Guilin City, Guangxi Province,is a key ecological function area and protected as a Karst World Heritage site. Lijiang River mainly flows through Xing'an County, Lingchuan County, Yangshuo County, Lingui District, and the central area of Guilin City, covering a total area of about 8 865 km2. Therefore, it is of practical importance to implement ecological compensation in the Lijiang River basin. In this study, we analyzed the value of ecosystem services in the basin in three years (2000, 2010 and 2020). The analysis was based on land use data and the revised "ecosystem service value coefficient table". We characterized the resource consumption intensity and environmental carrying capacity of the study area in 2020, analyzed the ecological supply and demand, and the balance of humans and land using the ecological footprint method. Next, based on the available ecological carrying capacity, an ecological compensation priority calculation formula was introduced to prioritize the compensation for each district (county) in the study area, and finally ecological compensation amount was calculated. Results show that: (1) The total value of ecosystem service values in the study area was 38.689 billion yuan in 2000, declined to 38.657 billion yuan in 2010 and then rose to 38.801 billion yuan in 2020, and the total contribution of forest land and watershed services in each stage was above 90%. (2) In 2020, the per capita ecological footprint, per capita ecological carrying capacity and per capita ecological deficit in the study area were 1.44 hm2, 0.43 hm2 and -1.06 hm2, respectively, with an imbalance between ecological supply and demand. (3) In 2020, Xing’an, Lingchuan and Yangshuo counties were providing a surplus of ecological benefits and should receive ecological compensation, while in Lingui District and the central area of Guilin ecological benefits exceeded the services provided and should pay ecological compensation. (4) In 2020, the total amount of ecological compensation in the study area was 2.65 billion yuan, the amount of ecological compensation varied largely among counties, and the urgency of compensation in the upstream and downstream sections was higher than that in the midstream section. The results of this study provide a scientific reference for developing ecological compensation policies in the Lijiang River basin and will promote effective management of ecosystem health.
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