Measurement and Application of Swimming Capability for Three Typical Fish Species of the Upper Dadu River
投稿时间:2022-04-18  修订日期:2022-05-17
中文关键词:短尾高原鳅  齐口裂腹鱼  重口裂腹鱼  临界游泳速度  突进游泳速度  游泳能力  过鱼设施
英文关键词:Triplophysa brevicauda  Schizothorax prenanti  Schizothorax davidi  critical swimming speed  burst swimming speed  swimming ability  fish passage
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      探讨多种目标鱼类的过鱼设施的流速设计,为大渡河上游集诱鱼设施的过鱼设计提供数据参考。以短尾高原鳅(Triplophysa brevicauda)、齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)以及重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)为研究对象,使用自制Brett-type鱼类游泳能力测试水槽对3种鱼类的临界游泳速度以及突进游泳速度进行测量。实验结果表明:(1)3种实验鱼的绝对临界游泳速度为:短尾高原鳅体长(9.92±1.15)cm,临界游泳速度(0.91±0.13)m/s;齐口裂腹鱼体长(22.01±5.17)cm,临界游泳速度(1.09±0.35)m/s;重口裂腹鱼体长(28.84±2.57)cm,临界游泳速度(1.45±0.24)m/s。2种裂腹鱼绝对游泳速度均与体长呈正相关关系,而相对临界游泳速度与体长无显著性关系,短尾高原鳅绝对、相对突进游泳速度均与体长并无显著性关系(P>0.05)。(2)3种实验鱼的突进游泳速度为:短尾高原鳅体长(9.66±1.07)cm,突进游泳速度(1.06±0.12)m/s;齐口裂腹鱼体长(26.34±1.11)cm,突进游泳速度(1.29±0.26) m/s;重口裂腹鱼[体长(28.37±2.30)cm,突进游泳速度(1.5±0.36)m/s。2种裂腹鱼绝对、相对突进游泳速度均与体长呈正相关关系,而短尾高原鳅与体长并无显著性关系(P>0.05)。(3)K-M曲线表明,90%目标鱼类的累计疲劳的临界和突进游泳速度分别为0.81、0.96 m/s。当以短尾高原鳅、齐口裂腹鱼以及重口裂腹鱼为过鱼对象时,建议过鱼设施入口设计流速范围为0.81~0.96 m/s,过鱼设施内部流速不应小于0.1 m/s,休息区设计流速范围为0.1~0.81 m/s。
      In this study, we investigated the swimming performance of three fish species typical of Dadu River and recommended flow velocity criteria for fish passages designed to target the species. Our aim was to provide data to support fish passage design for the upper Dadu River. Triplophysa brevicauda, Schizothorax prenanti and Schizothorax davidi were selected for study, and the three test species were collected in the Jinchuan-Danba section of Dadu River in August 2020, with respective average body lengths of 14.5-31.5, 23.6-35.5 and 7.5-12.8 cm. After acclimation for 3-5 days, 10 healthy fish of each species were selected for critical and burst speed swimming tests conducted in a self-made Brett-type swimming flume using the stepped velocity test protocol. Results show: (1) The body length, absolute and relative critical swimming speed of the three species were (9.92±1.15) cm, (0.91±0.13) m/s and (9.3±1.56) BL/s for T. brevicauda; (22.01±5.17) cm, (1.09±0.35 ) m/s and (4.89±0.93) BL/s for S. prenanti; (28.84±2.57) cm, (1.45±0.24) m/s and (5±0.48) BL/s for S. davidi. The absolute critical swimming speed of the two Schizothorax species were positively correlated with body length, but the relative critical swimming speeds were not and there was no significant correlations between absolute and relative critical swimming speed and body length of T. brevicauda (P>0.05). (2) The body length, absolute and relative burst swimming speed of the three species were as follows: (9.66±1.07) cm, (1.06±0.12 ) m/s and (11.11±1.8) BL/s for T. brevicauda; (26.34±1.11) cm, (1.29±0.26 ) m/s and (4.86±0.81) for S. prenanti; (28.37±2.30) cm, (1.5±0.36) m/s and (5.24±0.8) BL/s for S. davidi. The absolute and relative burst swimming speeds of the two Schizothorax species were positively correlated with body length, but the same correlations were not significant for T. brevicauda (P>0.05). (3) The Kaplan–Meier (K-M) curves show that the critical and burst swimming speeds of target fish at a 90% cumulative fatigue rate were 0.81 and 0.96 m/s, respectively. Thus, if the target fish species are T. brevicauda, S. prenanti and S. davidi, we recommend an entrance flow velocity of 0.81-0.96 m/s, a fish passage velocity not less than 0.1 m/s, and a rest area flow velocity of 0.1-0.81 m/s.
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