Sulfonamide Degradation in Water by the Vallisneria natans-epiphyte Complex
投稿时间:2022-04-14  修订日期:2022-05-18
中文关键词:附着生物  磺胺  苦草  复合系统  贡献评估
英文关键词:epiphytic bacteria  sulfonamide  Vallisneria natans  compound system  contribution assessment
龚 洁 武汉科技大学资源与环境工程学院湖北 武汉 430081 
郝森舰 武汉科技大学资源与环境工程学院湖北 武汉 430081 
芦川 中国宝武钢铁集团有限公司武汉钢铁有限责任公司炼铁分厂 武汉 430080 
冯立辉 中交第二航务工程局有限公司湖北 武汉 430000 
邹 曦 水利部中国科学院水工程生态研究所水利部水工程生态效应与生态重点实验室湖北 武汉 430079 
朱利明 水利部中国科学院水工程生态研究所水利部水工程生态效应与生态重点实验室湖北 武汉 430079 
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      磺胺类抗生素(Sulfonamides,SAs)在医药和养殖领域的广泛使用,造成自然水体中残留量不断增加,对水生态系统造成严重危害。了解苦草-附着生物复合体对SN降解效果以及苦草和附着生物对SN降解的贡献,为后期研究附着生物的定植演替规律和群落结构特征以及应用“沉水植物-附着生物复合系统”治理抗生素污染水体提供理论支撑。选择沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)作为实验物种,设置P-V-(无附着生物,无苦草)、P+V-(有附着生物,无苦草)、P-V+(无附着生物,有苦草)、P+V+(有附着生物,有苦草)4种处理,开展静态模拟试验,探讨沉水植物-附着生物复合系统对磺胺(Sulfonamide,SN)降解效果及各自的贡献。结果表明:在降解SN的过程中,P+V+处理组SN浓度由25 mg/L降至5.4 mg/L,去除率为78.4%,P+V+处理组SN降解效果最好;实验13 d苦草的贡献率为94.34%,发挥着主要作用,附着生物的贡献率为5.66%,起到次要作用;丛毛单胞菌科、细胞弧菌科和腐螺旋菌科为P+V+处理组附着生物的优势类群。
      Extensive application of sulfonamides (SAs) in the aquaculture industry has increased residual SAs in natural waters and damaged aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the submerged plant Vallisneria natans was selected for study and we explored the degradation of sulfonamide (SN) by the V. natans-epiphyte complex and analyzed the relative contributions of V. natans and epiphytes by adding and removing epiphytes. V. natans and the epiphytes for the experiment were collected from East Lake of Wuhan City, and four treatments were set: P-V- (no epiphytes, no V. natans), P+V- (epiphytes, no V. natans), P-V+ (no epiphytes, V. natans) and P+V+ (epiphytes, V. natans). The experiment was conducted in glass bottles with 5L of water at a SN concentration of 25 mg/L, with four repetitions of each treatment. Ten V. natans, with leaf length of 10 cm were planted in each P-V+ and P+V+ trial. The test duration as 13 d, and the SN concentration and DO of each treatment was determined every two days. Leaf length, root length and the relative growth rate of V. natans were recorded at the end of the experiment. SN degradation was most complete in the P+V+ treatment group with a decrease from 25 mg/L to 5.4 mg/L (78.4% removal) and V. natans contributed 94.34% to SN degradation, while epiphytes contributed only 5.66%. Comamonadaceae, Cellvibrionaceae and Saprospiraceae were the dominant epiphyte groups in the P+V+ treatment group. These results improve our understanding of SN degradation by the V. natans-epiphyte complex, clarify the relative contributions of V. natans and epiphytes and provide data on colonization succession and epiphyte community structure, and on the application of submerged macrophyte-epiphyte complexes for removal of antibiotics from aquatic ecosystems.
龚 洁,郝森舰,芦川,冯立辉,邹 曦,朱利明.2023.苦草-附着生物复合系统对水体磺胺降解的贡献评估[J].水生态学杂志,44(5):142-148.
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