Niche and Interspecific Associations of Dominant Summer Phytoplankton Species in Basomtso Lake, Xizang, China
投稿时间:2022-03-14  修订日期:2022-04-16
中文关键词:浮游植物  优势种  生态位  种间联结  巴松错
英文关键词:phytoplankton  dominant species  niche  interspecific association  Basomtso Lake
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31660620,32070418)和2022 年中央财政支持地方高校改革发展专项资金 (藏财预指[2022]1号)
刘洋 西藏大学地球第三极碳中和研究中心西藏 拉萨 850000西藏大学理学院青藏高原湿地与流域生态实验室西藏 拉萨 850000 
安瑞志 西藏大学地球第三极碳中和研究中心西藏 拉萨 850000西藏大学理学院青藏高原湿地与流域生态实验室西藏 拉萨 850000 
王陈 西藏大学理学院青藏高原湿地与流域生态实验室西藏 拉萨 850000 
潘成梅 西藏大学理学院青藏高原湿地与流域生态实验室西藏 拉萨 850000 
巴桑 西藏大学地球第三极碳中和研究中心西藏 拉萨 850000西藏大学理学院青藏高原湿地与流域生态实验室西藏 拉萨 850000 
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      为了解青藏高原高寒湖泊不同空间维度浮游植物群落优势种的生态位及种间联结性,选取青藏高原东南部最大的高寒冰山堰塞湖之一的巴松错为研究地点,于2020年7月对巴松错浮游植物进行了定性和定量采集,共采集水平和垂直维度浮游植物的水样275个,结合生态位宽度、生态位重叠值、生态响应速率、总体联结性、x2 检验、联结系数( AC) 、共同出现百分比( PC) 以及点相关系数(φ) 等方法,分析优势种的生态位及种间联结性。结果表明:1)共鉴定浮游植物优势种5属8种,均属于硅藻门;2)生态位宽度值差异较大,可分为三大生态位类群,且水平-垂直二维生态位宽度的变化幅度受水平维度生态位宽度影响比较明显;3)在水平维度上,生态位重叠度达到有意义的种对比例较高,具有明显的同质性;在垂直维度和水平-垂直维度上,生态位重叠度达到有意义的种对比例较低,具有明显的异质性;4)巴松错夏季浮游植物群落优势种生态响应速率在水平维度上形成正反馈,在垂直和水平-垂直维度维度上形成负反馈,表明巴松错夏季浮游植物群落存在群落多稳态,垂直和水平-垂直维度上群落较水平维度更稳定;5)巴松错夏季浮游植物群落总体处于演替的初期阶段且存在正向演替的趋势,物种间联结性不强,种间关系较为松散。研究结果为进一步研究高寒湖泊优势种生态位和群落多稳态提供了基础资料。
      In this study, we explored the niche and interspecific associations of dominant phytoplankton species in different spatial dimensions of an alpine lake on the Tibetan Plateau in Qinghai. Basomtso Lake, one of the largest alpine glacier lakes in southeast Xizang, was selected for research. In July 2020, 275 water samples in both horizontal and vertical dimensions were collected in Basomtso Lake for qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytoplankton. The niche and interspecific association among the dominant species were analyzed using niche breadth, niche overlap, ecological response rate, overall interspecific connection, chi-square (Χ2) test, association coefficient (AC), percentage cooccurrence (PC) and percentage point correlation (φ). Results show: (1) A total of 8 dominant phytoplankton species were identified, belonging to 5 genera of diatoms. (2) There were significant differences in the niche width of dominant species that could be divided into three niche groups. The variation of the two dimensional horizontal-vertical niche width was significantly affected by horizontal niche width. (3) In the horizontal dimension, the proportion of species pairs with significant niche overlap was higher, clearly indicating homogeneity. In the vertical dimension and the horizontal-vertical dimension, the proportion of species pairs with significant niche overlap was low, indicating heterogeneity. (4) The ecological response rate of dominant summer phytoplankton species in Basomtso Lake developed positive feedback in the horizontal dimension, and negative feedback in the vertical and horizontal-vertical dimensions. This indicates an alternative state of the phytoplankton community during the summer in Basomtso Lake, a community that was more stable in the vertical and horizontal-vertical dimensions than in the horizontal dimension. (5) The phytoplankton community was in an early successional stage and trending toward positive succession. The association between species was weak and the relationship between species was loose. In conclusion, our study revealed the ecological adaptability, functional status, and resource usage of the phytoplankton community in Basomtso Lake. The study provides basic information to guide further research on the niches of dominant phytoplankton species and alternative community states in alpine lakes.
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