食物浓度对来自不同营养水平水体盔型溞(Daphnia galeata)克隆生活史参数的影响
Effect of Food Quantity on the Life History of Cloned Daphnia galeata from Reservoirs of Differing Trophic State
投稿时间:2021-09-23  修订日期:2021-10-11
中文关键词:枝角类  生活史策略  食物数量  富营养化
英文关键词:cladocerans  life history strategy  food quantity  eutrophication
黄小娥 暨南大学生态学系广东 广州 510632 
郭诗元 暨南大学生态学系广东 广州 510632 
林秋奇 暨南大学生态学系广东 广州 510632 
摘要点击次数: 1089
全文下载次数: 449
      探讨浮游动物对食物数量变化的生态适应性,为了解环境中食物数量变化对浮游动物生存、进化的影响提供理论依据。于2018年5月采集广东流溪河水库、广西岩滩水库和洪潮江水库(营养水平分别为贫-中营养型、中营养型和富营养型)盔型溞克隆,比较分析了高食物浓度(2 mg C/L)和低食物浓度(0.5 mg C/L)的斜生栅藻(碳磷比为105)对这3个水库的盔型溞克隆生活史参数的影响。在高食物浓度处理组,3个克隆幼溞生长速率、首窝和第二窝产仔量和内禀增长率均显著高于低食物组;首次生殖时间和新生幼溞体长显著小于低食物组;首次怀卵体长在2个处理间无显著差异。食物的增加缩短了性成熟时间,增加产仔量,从而提高内禀增长率。首次生殖时间在3个克隆间没有显著差异,但来自中营养水体克隆的产仔量在2个食物处理组中均显著低于其他2个克隆,导致中营养水体克隆内禀增长率小于其他2个克隆。贫-中营养水体克隆在2个食物处理组中内禀增长率均与富营养水体克隆没有显著差异。结果表明,3个盔型溞克隆对食物浓度变化均表现出较高的表型可塑性,但在生活史策略上并未表现出适应性进化。
      Eutrophication affects the quantity and quality of phytoplankton, and therefore the zooplankton community. In this study, we explored the adaptation of zooplankton to changes in food quantity, aiming to provide theoretical evidence to better understand how these changes affect the survival and evolution of zooplankton. A cladoceran, Daphnia galeata, was selected for research and in May 2018, D. galeata samples were collected in southern China from three reservoirs of varying trophic conditions (oligo-mesotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic). The life history of D. galeata was investigated to examine the effects of food quantity on the growth and reproduction of three D. galeata clones derived from individuals collected from Liuxihe reservoir in Guangdong Province, and Yantan and Hongchaojiang reservoirs in Guangxi Province. Green algae Scenedesmus obliquus (C:P = 105) served as the food source there were two treatments, a low quantity diet (0.5 mg C/ L) and a high quantity diet (2.0 mg C/L). The growth rate, intrinsic growth rate and reproduction rate of the first and second batches of all three D. galeata clones in the high quantity diet group were significantly higher than those in the low quantity diet group. Time to first reproduction and the body length of newly cloned D. galeata were significantly lower in the high quantity diet group, but body length at first reproduction was not significantly different between diet groups. The high quantity diet shortened the time to sexual?maturation and increased the number of eggs produced, thus increasing the intrinsic growth rate. Time to first reproduction did not vary significantly among the three sets of D. galeata clones, but the number of offspring from clones of D. galeata collected from mesotrophic reservoir were significantly lower than those collected from the other reservoirs in both diet groups, resulting in lower intrinsic growth rates. Also for both diet groups, there was no significant difference in intrinsic growth rates between the oligo-mesotrophic reservoir and the eutrophic reservoir. In conclusion, D. galeata derived from all three reservoirs displayed high phenotypic plasticity in response to changes in food quantity, but did not show adaptive evolution in life history strategies.
黄小娥,郭诗元,林秋奇.2023.食物浓度对来自不同营养水平水体盔型溞(Daphnia galeata)克隆生活史参数的影响[J].水生态学杂志,44(5):84-91.
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